I am "Rockin the Bakken" and "Frackin the Forks"!



One thing this job has given me the opportunity to do is discover new hobbies.  Below is a list of things I have taken up.  Looking for more ideas!!!
  • Reading...I always liked to read. I have been on this rig for 7 days and have read 4 books.  You do the math!
  • Blogging...duh!
  • Playing guitar...This is not going so well.  When I play a G and C it doesn't sound pretty.  And I know what you are all thinking...did I tune the guitar or am I playing the chords right.  These are questions that remind me of tech services at the high school I taught at.  Whenever I had a problem with something they would always ask..Is it plugged in?  Is it turned on?  Grrrr!  My mom tuned the guitar before I left and YES my fingers are in the right spot!
  • Watching movies.  MWD (Measurement While Drilling engineer) are the guys that are in charge of the tool part of the assembly.  I like to call them "Movie watching dudes".  They always have the newest movies or the best movies available for me to borrow!  I have watched more TV and movies this last 6 months then I have in my entire life combined!


There are three parts to the drilling assembly.  The part that spins and drills the hole is the bit.  It is at the very end of the pipe.  Next to it is the motor and then is the tool.  The tool sends information back to the command center (working shack) that allows us to drill a successful hole.  We finished drilling the vertical hole yesterday and had to trip out (pull all the pipe and assembly out of the hold) and change the assembly so we can start drilling the curve.  In other words, I dont' have to work!  I decided to get some sleep (keep in mind I am used to working all night).  I laid in bed around 1 am.  I tried counting sheep, my mind starts to wonder.  I then tried to imagine being on a beach somewhere on the coast of some island.  I imagined the humming of the rig to be waves washing up on the shore.  I start twittering my thumbs.  I end up reading all night and sleeping all day! Grrr!


Where are we?

The tool pusher came into the safety meeting about a month ago when we had been having the terrible cold, snowing typical ND winter day after day after day.  The only thing he said was, "The bible says hell is a place of ice cold and darkness".  Everyone just sat quiet, then it registered what he was saying.  I believe he thinks he is in hell.  Dem der outta staters can't handle dis Nort-dakota weather!



I was told yesterday that I am the prettiest girl on the rig (I am the only girl on the rig probably in a 40 mile radius!)

October 2010

I got off work around 5 in the morning and went right to bed.  Around 9 am someone was pounding on my door saying that I had to get up because the drug dogs were here (just like at school!!).  I got up and went to the safety shack.  Everyone on sight was in there including Tim Fischer (my neighbor in Killdeer).  He was driving truck and once you come on location you can't leave until the dog checks are done.  He was NOT happy!  So we got to hang out for a few hours.  I am tired and totally out of it.  When they get done, the company man pulls us all outside and tells us the results.  Everything was fine, he thanked the guys for coming out, thanked everyone for being patient, etc.  As he was finishing up talking, he brought his hands together which I took as he is going to start clapping.  So what do I do?  I start clapping so loud and fanatically (like I was giving a standing ovation at some amazing concert).  Everyone stops and looks at me!  My face turned red and I was totally embarrassed.  From then on, the rough necks always clapped when I walked by.  UGH!  Keep in mind I was on a lack of sleep! :)



We would not survive without TV.  Some of the shows the guys watch that annoy me because they watch them ALL the time!
  • Married with Children
  • Westerns
  • NCIS
Lots of the guys I work with play video games on their computers.  Personally I think this is nerdy, but I look at rocks for a living so I can't say much! :) Games they play...
  • World of Warcraft
  • MMORPG  (something something something role playing something)

December 2010

The New Town bridge!  Lots of snow this winter!

My first rig

My first rig by Williston.  I bedazzled my steel toed boots! Our living shacks are shown also!


October 2010

Rig update:  This is a picture of me right before i climbed to the top of the derrek.  It is called the crown.  I feel like I belong there because I have given myself the nickname CRUDE QUEEN.

Work can be boring sometime.  Sometime we are drilling 30 feet and hour.  I watch movies, read books and other things to keep me busy.  Today I tried chewing nicorette gum to see if I would get a buzz
I work all night since I am the second hand. 

My mom was bringing me out ingredients to make cookies.  She texted me and asked if I have oil out there (on the rig).  I thought she meant if the rig was producing oil so I told her we have ALOT.  She did not bring me cooking oil so I was unable to make cookies!

Never a dull moment (except for the 12 hours I work and the 8 hours a day I sleep)

Another girl!

September 2010
I started working with another girl.  She smokes, swears, and drinks bourbon straight.  I don't do any of these things.  I am not sure if I belong out here! :)

Went for a run outside today.  Only in North Dakota can you run and end up herding cattle for 3 miles!

Interesting Facts

I am not an official geologist.  I do not have a geology degree.  I have a chemistry and biology degree.  I do love science.  I do not love rocks.  I work with people who LOVE rocks.  I mean REALLY love rocks.  It is their passion.

What do people call me?

Nicknames for geologists:
  • Pebble Pusher
  • Rock Hound
  • Rockist
  • Pebble Pimp
  • Mud Logger
  • Dirt Doctor
Funny things we say:
  • I am having gas problems (we monitor the gas that comes up hole)
  • That "rocks"
  • more to come...


I am not a writer, so this is going to be a new concept for me.  I am originally from a small, quiet town in western North Dakota.  Killdeer is what the town is called and it is no longer quiet.  It is booming with traffic that is rushing from rig to rig.  I got a job this summer working as a geologist.  I live on the rig for around 3 weeks.  Many funny and interesting things happen.  This blog will tell my stories!